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by Shaun Michael Stone

肖恩·迈克尔·斯通(Shaun Michael Stone)

这就是软件工程师不离职的原因 (These are the reasons Software Engineers don’t leave their jobs)

Please note: This article is my own opinion and not reflective of any company’s views.

请注意: 本文是我个人的观点,并不反映任何公司的观点。

Tech companies are always trying to figure out how to keep their employees happy in their jobs. It’s no easy feat though, and the people in tech I’ve spoken to stay at a particular job for around 18 months or less on average. Whenever I ask any of them what is the reason, it usually stems from the same problems.

科技公司一直在设法弄清如何使自己的员工感到满意。 不过,这并非易事,而且我所说的从事技术工作的人平均要在某项工作上停留18个月或更短时间。 每当我问他们任何一个原因是什么时,通常都源于相同的问题。

Here are seven reasons people actually stay at their jobs that I feel matter. Of course, salary is important but it doesn’t stand on its own feet without the following.

我觉得很重要的七个原因是人们真正在自己的工作上。 当然,薪水很重要,但没有以下技能,薪水就无法立足。

1.与经理相处 (1. Getting along with the manager)

They say people don’t leave their jobs, they leave their managers. This couldn’t be more true. You should be able to relate to your manager, see eye-to-eye and feel like you can trust one-another. Your manager should stick up for you and you should feel like they are on your side. They should speak to you with respect, dignity and not order you around, abuse their level of control or insult you. Some of the best managers I’ve had are also great friends of mine to this day.

他们说人们不会离开工作,他们会离开经理。 这再真实不过了。 您应该能够与您的经理保持联系,并与他人保持直视,并觉得自己可以互相信任。 您的经理应该坚持为您服务,您应该感觉到他们就在您身边。 他们应该以尊重,尊严的态度对您说话,而不是命令您走走,不要滥用他们的控制水平或侮辱您。 到目前为止,我曾经遇到过的一些最好的经理也是我的好朋友。

Management is probably one of the hardest things to do. When I say it’s hard, I mean it’s hard if you want to be considered a good manager. You need to work extremely hard for your team, manage expectations and keep morale high… It’s not for everyone.

管理可能是最难的事情之一。 当我说很难的时候,我的意思是如果你想被认为是一个好的经理,那很难。 您需要为团队付出极大的努力,管理期望并保持士气高昂……这并不适合所有人。

On my first day, my manager introduced me to everyone, organized a team lunch and we all clinked drinks with the words, ‘Welcome to the team, Shaun’. I have weekly one-to-one meetings to see how I am doing if I have any problems, and always feel reassured about the work I do. These are the little things that make a difference.

在我的第一天,我的经理向我介绍了所有人,组织了团队午餐,我们所有人都用“欢迎光临团队,肖恩(Shaun)”字样来喝酒。 我每周举行一次一对一的会议,以查看遇到任何问题时的状况,并始终对自己的工作感到放心。 这些都是与众不同的小事情。

2.我的想法和贡献很重要 (2. My ideas and contributions matter)

This may have more to do with the fact that I am in a senior position now, but I feel like the ideas others members on the team and I actually push for do make their way into our applications or our workflow. It may be something to do with the company not being a large corporation, which generally tends to contain a lot of strict regulation for change.

这可能与我现在担任高级职位有关,但我觉得团队中其他成员以及我实际推动的想法确实将其应用到我们的应用程序或工作流程中。 这可能与公司不是大型公司有关,后者通常倾向于包含许多严格的变更法规。

A lot of people get fed up with the fact that they cannot initiate change in a company. Young minds bring fresh ideas that should be embraced, but most of the time they’re not, and that is a shame. When a company has a set way of doing things, it’s too risky for them to change because everyone is too comfortable. Companies have to take risks to move forward and innovate.

许多人厌倦了他们无法发起公司变更的事实。 年轻人带来了应该接受的新鲜想法,但是大多数时候却没有,这是一种耻辱。 当一家公司有一套固定的工作方式时,他们改变的风险就很大,因为每个人都太自在。 公司必须冒险前进和创新。

When young minds feel like they cannot make a difference they lose their passion and drive for that company. Then they decide to find somewhere that will allow them to innovate. Usually, a smaller company such as a startup gives them that opportunity.

当年轻的人觉得自己无法改变时,他们就会失去激情并为那家公司奋斗。 然后,他们决定在某个地方进行创新。 通常,较小的公司(如初创公司)会给他们这样的机会。

3.我可以在需要时灵活地在家工作 (3. I have the flexibility to work from home when I need to)

We spend most of our lives at work. For me, I commute on the train to London and it takes me approximately fifty minutes door to door. When I lived with my parents a while ago, I used to commute to London and it took me an hour and forty-five minutes each way. It was horrendous, but I managed to read a plethora of books on my journey. Even every edition of Game of Thrones, so it wasn’t a huge waste of time.

我们将大部分时间都花在工作上。 对我来说,我在去伦敦的火车上通勤,门到门大约花了五十分钟。 前一段时间和父母住在一起时,我经常去伦敦,单程花了我一个小时四十五分钟。 那太可怕了,但是我在旅途中设法读了很多书。 即使是《权力的游戏》的每个版本,也不是浪费时间。

My boss at the time said ‘you can work from home now and again but of course don’t abuse it’, which is understandable. A lot of trust is being placed on you when you are not in plain sight, but I think allowing you that flexibility when you have to wait home for the boiler to be fixed by the local plumber is a godsend.

当时我的老板说:“你可以一次又一次地在家工作,但当然不要滥用它”,这是可以理解的。 当您视线不清晰时,您会获得很多信任,但是我认为,当您不得不等待回家等待当地水管工修理锅炉时,让您具有灵活性是天赐的。

I have found times where working from home has actually increased my productivity. I have fewer distractions and it’s quiet. I don’t need to put on my headphones and I can focus on my tasks much better. The downside is you don’t have that real-time in-the-flesh collaboration with colleagues that I think is equally important.

我发现在家工作实际上提高了我的生产率。 我的注意力减少了,安静了。 我不需要戴耳机,可以更好地专注于工作。 不利的一面是,您没有与我认为同样重要的同事进行实时的实时协作。

4.我的同事们友好而热情 (4. My colleagues are friendly and welcoming)

“My colleague once messaged me on HipChat… he was sitting next to me.”

Yes, a friend told me that once. It’s a real shame that people in tech get so comfortable staring at that squared energy of light all day without interacting with one another. There have been days where I have done the same because I had deadlines and didn’t have time to talk, and I came away that day feeling a bit low. We are naturally social beings, so taking the time out of your day to speak with someone - even about something not related to work - can make you feel better.

是的,有一次朋友告诉我。 真让人感到羞耻的是,技术人员整日都凝视着那种平方的光能,却彼此之间没有相互作用。 有时候我会做同样的事情,因为我有最后期限,没有时间说话,那天我感到有点沮丧。 我们天生就是社会人,因此抽出时间与某人交谈-即使是与工作无关的事情-也会使您感觉更好。

We arranged a slack channel for anyone who wants to come to the park with us for lunch and we have a good laugh. We arrange nights out in London too with votes on where we should go. Not only that, but we also have a web architecture review meeting for all of the front-end engineers so we can bring up any technical problems we are currently facing in our own teams. Anyone can bring up a problem or suggest a solution that is then discussed among us all. We then have a vote at the end where everyone is respectful of each other’s opinions on the subject.

我们为任何想和我们一起去公园吃午餐的人安排了一个闲散的频道,我们开怀大笑。 我们也安排伦敦之夜,投票决定应该去的地方。 不仅如此,我们还为所有前端工程师举行了一次Web架构审查会议,因此我们可以提出自己团队当前面临的任何技术问题。 任何人都可以提出问题或提出解决方案,然后在我们所有人中进行讨论。 然后,我们在最后投票,每个人都尊重彼此在该主题上的观点。

5.工作很有趣,我一直在学习 (5. The work is interesting and I’m always learning)

When we are passionate about our work and the product we are contributing to we are likely enjoying our job. Currently, we are building a design system built on a strong foundation of typography, colors, four-pixel spacing, and reusable React components.

当我们对我们的工作和产品充满热情时,我们可能会喜欢我们的工作。 目前,我们正在构建一个基于排版,颜色,四像素间距和可重复使用的React组件的强大设计系统。

We use Storybook and the idea of Atomic design to build atomic, molecular and organism components that get built up into templates. This means we can view living, breathing prototypes of our pages. We don’t have to log in to our real application and apply a form of logical state to see how a specific page looks. Instead, we view it in Storybook and because it’s component driven, we know the page would look like that in production. Powerful stuff, and I love working on it. To me, it’s interesting to make our products consistent and easy to build.

我们使用Storybook和“原子设计”的思想来构建原子,分子和有机体组件,这些组件将被构建到模板中。 这意味着我们可以查看页面的真实,令人呼吸的原型。 我们不必登录到实际的应用程序,也无需应用逻辑状态形式即可查看特定页面的外观。 相反,我们在Storybook中对其进行查看,并且由于它是组件驱动的,因此我们知道页面在生产中会看起来像。 功能强大的东西,我喜欢研究它。 对我而言,使我们的产品一致且易于构建很有趣。

When a developer feels like they aren’t learning anything, it could mean that the company is too comfortable and not innovating. The developer is probably doing some maintenance to some legacy code and dealing with the complications of said legacy code. Instead, they could be given the freedom to either find ways to reduce technical debt, identify new solutions to existing problems or work on some exciting new projects where they can work with new technologies to keep their skills sharp. Something that keeps them stimulated.

当开发人员觉得自己没有学到任何东西时,这可能意味着该公司过于舒适并且没有创新。 开发人员可能正在对某些旧代码进行维护,并处理所述旧代码的复杂性。 取而代之的是,他们可以自由地找到减少技术债务的方法,找到解决现有问题的新方法,或者从事一些激动人心的新项目,在这些项目中他们可以与新技术一起工作以保持自己的技能精明。 使他们受到刺激的东西。

Development is a fast-paced industry, where things are always changing. Especially in front-end! If developers do not feel they are learning new things, they quickly fall behind and therefore become unemployable. It’s a reality. They could be an expert in low-level JavaScript fundamentals, but if they don’t know how to build a React component, they are seen as unsuitable for the role.

发展是一个快节奏的行业,它总是在变化。 特别是在前端! 如果开发人员不觉得自己在学习新事物,那么他们会很快落后并因此失业。 这是现实。 他们可能是底层JavaScript基础方面的专家,但是如果他们不知道如何构建React组件,则认为它们不适合该角色。

6.您所做的工作得到他人的认可和赞赏 (6. The work you do is recognized and appreciated by others)

We naturally want to see our company grow and we want to feel like we are doing something to contribute to that growth. Whether it be keeping the servers healthy in DevOps or deploying a fast microservice in the backend, it’s good for someone to identify and appreciate how you helped make it happen.

我们自然希望看到我们的公司成长,并且我们想感觉自己正在为推动这一成长做出一些贡献。 无论是在DevOps中保持服务器正常运行,还是在后端中部署快速微服务,对于某些人来说,识别并欣赏您如何帮助实现它都是有益的。

When colleagues have the mindset that ‘well it’s your job to do that’, it is not healthy for the team. Don’t hold back from saying, ‘I like how you approached that problem.’

当同事的心态是“做那件事是你的工作”时,对团队而言就不健康。 不要拒绝说“我喜欢你如何解决这个问题”。

7.你可以打扮 (7. You can dress down)

Nothing makes me happier than knowing I don’t have to put on a suit every day. Don’t get me wrong, I like dressing up and looking the business, but it feels good to be in casual clothing and comfortable without a tie trying to strangle me all day.

没有什么比让我知道每天不必穿西装更让我开心的了。 不要误会我的意思,我喜欢打扮,寻找业务 ,但感觉好是休闲类服饰以及舒适不打领带试图整天掐死我。

I’m an engineer. Unless I’m interacting with clients directly, I personally don’t see the need to dress up, and worry that my shirts are not ironed. Ironing a shirt is so hard…

我是个工程师。 除非我与客户直接互动,否则我个人看不出需要打扮,并且担心我的衬衫无法熨烫。 熨衬衫太难了...

谢谢阅读! (Thanks for reading!)

I would be interested to know your thoughts on what’s been discussed, so drop me a message or leave a comment. And please drop a few claps if you enjoyed this post!

我很想知道您对所讨论内容的想法,所以请给我留言或发表评论。 如果您喜欢这篇文章,请放弃一些鼓掌!

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